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本书是专为听力水平较低的读者而设计的。“词解新闻意”部分根据新闻材料内容抓取最能概括新闻大意的一个核心关键词,以问答的方式吸引读者的注意力,从而有效掌握这个核心关键词的发音及释义。同时,短小精悍的“充电小站”内容对新闻背景进行了有效解读。“轻松听新闻”部分在新闻中注明了核心词汇,并在“核心词汇连连记”中给出了词性及中文释义,便于读者查阅记忆词汇,扫除词汇障碍。“开心译分钟”是对新闻内容的完整翻译,并添加了“实用短语对对碰”学习栏目,中英对照,可有效帮助读者学习积累日常用语的实用表达方式。“词汇练习”部分设计了词汇听写以及词汇发音辨析和词义辨析多项选择两大题型,可帮助读者有效学习记忆词汇。 此外,本书超值附赠慢速和标准两种语速的音频文件,您可以利用慢速音频进行精听,利用标准语速的音频进行泛听及理解练习。
Chapter 1 百姓关注
01 Custody of the Japanese Macaque Regained 重获日本猕猴的监护权 02 CO2 Levels Reaching a Symbolic High 二氧化碳水平创新高 03 Stop Killing One-horned Rhinoceros 停止猎杀独角犀牛 04 UNICEF Warns Syria of Losing a Generation of Children 联合国儿童基金会警告叙利亚将失去一代儿童 05 New York Police Was Charged for “Stop and Frisk” 纽约警方“拦截搜身”被指控 06 Air France Was Found Guilty of Racial Discrimination 法航被判犯有种族歧视罪 07 Horsemeat Incident 马肉事件 08 PIP Was Charged with Supplying Faulty Breast Implants PIP公司被指控提供劣质隆胸材料 09 Boeing Will Modify the Battery System for Its 787 Dreamliner 波音公司将改进其787梦想客机电池系统 10 A Couple Were Jailed for Life for Murdering Their 4-Year-Old Son 一对夫妇因谋杀4岁儿子被判终身监禁 Chapter 2 法律法治 01 Police Brutality in South Africa 南非警察暴力执法事件 02 Italian Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Getting into Trouble with the Law 意大利前总理西尔维奥?贝卢斯科尼吃官司 03 The Widely Concerned Family Breakup of the Former British Cabinet Minister 英国前内阁大臣备受关注的离婚事件 04 One of the Suspects in India Bus Gang Rape Has Died in Prison 印度公交轮奸案嫌犯之一在狱中死亡 05 The Congolese War Crime Suspect Handed Himself In 刚果战争罪嫌疑人自首 06 A South African Police Officer Reported the Crimes of His Colleague 一名南非警官举报其同事罪行 07 Lawyers Argue for Overturning the Ban on Same Sex Marriage in California 加州律师要求推翻同性婚姻的禁令 08 Two Senior Bosnian Serbs Were Convicted 2名波黑塞族高级官员被定罪 09 Eight Police Officers Were Arrested for Not Stopping Drug Violence 8名警察因未能制止毒品暴力而被捕 10 Death Penalty Will Be Sought for a Criminal in America 美国1名罪犯将被要求执行死刑 Chapter 3 国际关系 01 Syrian Soldiers Were Ambushed in Iraq 叙利亚士兵在伊拉克遭遇伏击 02 New Sanctions on North Korea 对朝鲜的新制裁 03 The Wide-ranging Sanctions on Syrian Rebels Is Over 对叙利亚叛军的大规模制裁已结束 04 North Korea Will Launch a Possible Attack on U.S. Bases 朝鲜可能会向美军基地发动袭击 05 The UN Will Shutter Relief Agencies 联合国将关闭援助机构 06 South Sudan Pumps Oil Again 南苏丹再次抽出石油 07 The E.U. Pushes to Mend the Kosovars-Serbian Relations 欧盟推动改善科索沃与塞尔维亚的关系 08 Temporary Asylum for the PRISM’s Whistle Blower Triggered a Crisis in U.S.-Russian Relations 对棱镜计划泄密者的临时庇护引发了美俄关系危机 Chapter 4 经济危机 01 Government Spending Reduction Is About to Take Effect 政府减支方案即将生效 02 Greece Taking Measures to Receive International Economic Assistance 希腊采取措施为获国际经济援助 03 Restricting the Salaries of Top Managers in Switzerland 瑞士将限制高管薪水 04 The Sovereign Debt Rating of Greece Has Been Raised 希腊主权债务等级被提高 05 Financial Crisis and Salvation in Cyprus 塞浦路斯金融危机与救助 06 Banks Forgave Loans of Millions of Euros in Cyprus 塞浦路斯的银行取消数百万欧元贷款 07 Portugal’s Highest Court Judged the Austerity Budget 葡萄牙最高法院判定紧缩预算 08 Obama: Budget Proposal for 2014 Helps Stimulate U.S. Economy 奥巴马:2014预算提议将刺激美国经济发展 09 The European Central Bank Unveiled a New Rescue Program 欧洲央行推出新的解困方案 Chapter 5 科技发现 01 Probing into the Primitive Life on Mars 探秘火星上的原始生命 02 The Ancient Sunstone Was Found by French Scientists 法国科学家发现了古代的太阳石 03 The World’s Biggest Radio Telescope Has Been Inaugurated 世界上最大的射电望远镜投入使用 04 The Newly Developed Machine Can Keep the Liver Alive at BodyTemperature 新装置可使肝脏在体温环境下存活 05 Yahoo Bought an App Created by a British Teenager 雅虎购买了一个英国少年发明的应用程序 06 A New Cancer Study Has Identified Many Genetic Markers 一项新的癌症研究识别出多个遗传标记 07 Obama Has Unveiled Details of a Human Brain Project 奥巴马公布脑研究计划细节 08 New Findings About Dark Matter 暗物质的新发现 09 A New Piece of Software Released by Facebook 脸谱发布一款新软件 Chapter 6 风云人物 01 John Kerry Was Nominated as the Next Secretary of State 约翰?克里被任命为下任美国国务卿 02 Nelson Mandela in a Serious but Stable Condition 纳尔逊?曼德拉病情严重但稳定 03 Susan Rice as the New National Security Adviser 苏珊?赖斯任美国新国家安全顾问 04 British Queen Elizabeth in Bad Health 英国女王伊丽莎白身体抱恙 05 Venezuelans Bidding Farewell to Hugo Chavez 委内瑞拉人民向乌戈?查韦斯告别 06 The World War II Secret Agent Nancy Wake Died 二战特工南希?韦克去世 07 The Injured Pakistani Girl Going Back to School 受伤的巴基斯坦少女返回校园 08 The Exiled Russian Businessman Died in Britain 俄罗斯流亡大亨于英国去世 09 Tiger Woods Has Reclaimed the World No.1 Ranking 泰格?伍兹重获世界第一的排名 10 The Economic Legacy of Baroness Thatcher 撒切尔夫人的经济遗产 Chapter 7 文艺体育 01 David Moyes Will Succeed Sir Alex Ferguson of Manchester United 戴维?莫耶斯将接替曼联主帅亚历克斯?弗格森 02 Jason Collins Coming Out as Gay 贾森?科林斯出柜 03 Liverpool’s Luis Suarez Banned for 10 Matches 利物浦队的路易斯?苏亚雷斯遭禁赛10场 04 Two High School Football Players in Ohio Were Sentenced to Juvenile Jail 俄亥俄州2名高中足球员被判入少年所 05 Brazil’s Preparations for the 2014 World Cup 巴西的2014年世界杯准备情况 06 France’s Chief Rabbi Is Leaving His Post for Plagiarism 法国大拉比因学术剽窃辞职 07 Britain: A Trainer of the Godolphin’s Stable Has Been Disqualified for Doping Horses 英国戈多尔芬马场一名驯马师因使用马兴奋剂被吊销资格 08 Russia Has Banned the Performance of an American Rock Group 俄罗斯对一支美国摇滚乐队实行禁演 Chapter 8 灾难事故 01 A Monster Tornado Rolling Through Oklahoma City 可怕的龙卷风席卷俄克拉荷马市 02 A Woman Rescued from the Collapsed Garment Factory 一名妇女从倒塌的制衣厂中被救出 03 The Cholera Epidemic in Haiti 海地霍乱 04 Three Men Were Charged for Assisting the Suspects in the Boston Marathon Bombings 3名男子被起诉曾协助波士顿马拉松爆炸案嫌疑犯 05 The Fire Triggers the Suspicion of Racist Attack in Germany 德国火灾事故引发种族主义袭击的嫌疑 06 A Landslide Striking Lhasa China 中国拉萨发生山体滑坡 07 The Earthquake in Iran 伊朗地震 08 A Huge Explosion at a Fertilizer Plant in Texas 得克萨斯一家化肥厂爆炸 09 A Devastating Earthquake Struck Sichuan Province 四川省发生强烈地震 Chapter 9 政策动向 01 Curbing Gun Violence 控制枪支暴力 02 A Two-year Ban on Some Pesticides 对某些杀虫剂实施2年禁用 03 Cameron Presented the Regulating Plans on the Press 卡梅伦提出了新闻行业监管计划 04 Paris: Gay Marriage and Adoption’s Legalization Met Objector’s Demonstrations 巴黎:同性婚姻及收养合法化遭遇反对者的抗议游行 05 The British Plans to Tighten the Rules on Immigrants 英国计划收紧移民政策 06 The UN General Assembly Approves the Arms Trade Treaty 联合国大会通过了《武器贸易公约》 07 35 Million-dollars Initiative Against Rape in Wartime 涉资3500万美元反对战时强奸罪的计划 08 AL-Qaeda Will Possibly Launch a Wave of Attacks 基地组织将可能发动一轮攻击 Chapter 10 政坛风云 01 Kenya’s Presidential Election 肯尼亚总统大选 02 Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez in His Most Difficult Hours 委内瑞拉总统乌戈?查韦斯病危 03 Kenya’s Presidential Election Has Stagnated 肯尼亚总统选举暂停 04 An Emergency Manager of Detroit Was Appointed 底特律应急管理人被任命 05 The Elected Government Became the First One Completing Its Term in Pakistan 巴基斯坦民选政府首次完成正常任期 06 Dhaka: A Two-day General Strike Held by the Opposition 达卡:反对派举行为期2天的大罢工 07 Italians Hold Little Hope for Their Coalition Government 意大利民众对联合政府的组建不抱太大希望 08 Jordan: New Cabinet to Cut Its Deficit 约旦:新内阁旨在削减赤字
01 Custody of the Japanese Macaque Regained
重获日本猕猴的监护权 词解新闻意 Key words 问 “日本猕猴”英语怎么说? 答 Japanese macaque; macaca fuscata 充电小站 日本猕猴,也叫雪猴,是生活在日本北部的一种猕猴。它们是世界上生活地区最北的非人类灵长目动物。日本猕猴的毛色为灰褐色,脸部、四肢和下腹部为红色,其体长为79~95厘米,尾长约10厘米,成年公猴的体重为10~14公斤,母猴约为5.5公斤。日本猕猴在白天活动,大多数时间都在森林中,范围包括落叶林、阔叶林和常绿林。它们以种子、根茎、花蕾、水果、无脊椎动物、浆果、树叶、鸟蛋、蘑菇和谷物为食。日本猕猴一般组成一个规模为20~100头的群体,分成几个家庭,一般而言,母猴与公猴的比例约为3 : 1。母猴的地位有明显等级制,公猴在种群中则比较游离。 轻松听新闻 Listening A woman in the Canadian province of Ontario has gone to court to regain custody of her monkey after the animal was found on its own at an IKEA furniture store. Lee Carter has more. Millions of people have viewed the video of Darwin, the young Japanese macaque running loose shortly after he apparently escaped from a locked vehicle in an IKEA car park. After being seized by city of Toronto animal control officials, he was moved to a primate sanctuary where he is reported to be settling in. It is illegal to have this kind of exotic pet in Toronto. But in court today the former owner Yasmin Nakhuda argued that the seizure was not legal because she claimed she was made to hand over ownership of the monkey under threats of criminal prosecution. 核心词汇连连记 province n. 省 regain v. 重获 custody n. 监护 furniture n. 家具 view v. 看到 apparently adv. 明显地 vehicle n. 车辆 report v. 报道 illegal adj. 违法的 exotic adj. 奇异的 former adj. 之前的 claim v. 声称 ownership n. 所有(权) threat n. 威胁 开心译分钟 Translation 加拿大安大略省一名妇女的猴子被发现独自①出现在宜家商店之后,这名妇女已经上法院②并再次获得了对猴子的监护权。李?卡特报道。 成百上千万的③人都看到了这段视频,很明显,这只日本小猕猴达尔文从宜家停车场内一辆锁着的车里跑出来后④就开始肆意横行⑤。在被多伦多市动物管理员捉住后,他被送到了据说是他现在所居住⑥的灵长动物保护所⑦。在多伦多,收养这种珍奇动物是非法的。但今天在法庭上,猴子的原主人雅思敏?娜克达认为没收猴子是非法的,因为她声称她是在刑事指控⑧的威胁下⑨被要求交出⑩这只猴子的所有权。 实用短语对对碰 ①on one’s own ②go to court ③millions of ④shortly after ⑤run loose ⑥settle in ⑦primate sanctuary ⑧criminal prosecution ⑨under threats of ⑩hand over 词汇练习 Practice Part A Dictation A woman in the Canadian 1 of Ontario has gone to court to 2 3 of her monkey after the animal was found on its own at an IKEA 4 store. After being seized by city of Toronto animal control officials, he was moved to a primate sanctuary where he is 5 to be settling in. Part B Multiple choice 1. He escaped from a locked vehicle in an IKEA car park. A. apparent B. apparently C. appear D. appeal 2. It is illegal to have this kind of pet in Toronto. A. exit B. exotic C. expect D. excited 3. She claimed she was made to hand ownership of the monkey under threats of criminal prosecution. A. in B. on C. out D. over 听力点拨与解析 Part A 1. province 2. regain 3. custody 4. furniture 5. reported Part B 1. 该题目是考查对词形相近的单词的掌握。A项apparent“明显的”,形容词,而B项是“明显地”,副词,C项appear“看起来好像”,动词,D项appeal“呼吁,上诉”,动词。然后我们可以看到题干中的已给信息是“他从宜家停车场内一辆锁着的车里逃跑出来”,空格在主语He和谓语escaped 之间,所以应该填副词,B项 apparently填入后符合逻辑,所以B为正确答案。 2. 该题目考查对题干信息的理解,在分析整句结构的同时,我们重点把握空格后面的词“pet” ( 宠物),答案应该是一个可以修饰pet的形容词,在多伦多不能拥有什么宠物呢?根据全文的内容我们知道这则新闻是围绕一只来自日本的小猕猴的,所以从意思我们可以判断答案为B项,exotic“外国的,异国情调的”。A项exit“出口”,C项expect“期待”,D项excited“兴奋的”。 3. 该题目考查对hand 有关词组的掌握。根据题干“she was made to hand ownership of the monkey...” 意思应该为“她被迫交出猴子的所有权”。而各个选项的意思分别为:A项hand in“递交”,B 项 hand on“把……传下去”,C项 hand out“分发,散发”, D项hand over“移交,交出”,所以正确答案为D。