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1 General1.1 History and development of flight dispatch1.2 Operational control2 Airlines Authorization & Organization2.1 Airline operation qualification and certification2.2 Introduction to airline operational control3 Regulations and Airline Manuals3.1 Airline operation regulations3.2 Advisory circular3.3 Operations specifications and operation manuals4 Flight Scheduling4.1 Formulation of flight scheduling4.2 Optimization of flight scheduling4.3 Flight management5 Aircraft Management5.1 Aircraft registration management5.2 Basic requirements for airworthiness of aircraft5.3 Minimum equipment list5.4 Aircraft scheduling and deployment6 Flight Crew Management6.1 Flight crew requirements6.2 Crew member health management6.3 Crew member flight duty period restrictions6.4 Crew scheduling7 Dispatch and Release7.1 General rules of dispatch release7.2 Operating minimum and selection of alternate airport7.3 Fuel policy7.4 Flight operation procedure8 Flight Monitoring8.1 Flight monitoring and aircraft following8.2 Monitoring tools and procedure8.3 SITA telegram8.4 AFTN telegram9 Special Operations9.1 High altitude airport operations and special airport operations9.2 CAT Ⅱ operations9.3 RVSM operations9.4 ETOPS9.5 Re-dispatch9.6 PBN operation10 Abnormal Operations10.1 Operation in severe weather conditions10.2 Operation in aircraft malfunction11 Emergency Operation11.1 Outline11.2 Responsibility of FOO/FD11.3 Emergency process procedureAppendixReferences